Tuesday 11 March 2008

Pay-Pal's Growth

Pay Pal has always been the person to person online payment system favoured by eBay and it still it. A survey showed that e-commerce growth will slow and to prepare for this Pay Pay are going after larger retailers. They plan to expand off eBay and get more acknowledgement in the market. Allowing customer's that do not use eBay to discover Pay Pal. Pay Pay currently increases consumer choice while easing fears about sending card information over the Internet.

A meeting help by Jupiter on behalf of Pay Pal covered, in a nutshell, that they can no longer go on sizzling growth. Especially with uncertainty about the economy. An American professor, Arturo Perez-Reyes thinks that America is clearly heading for a recession with the dollar free falling. The audience of the meeting were warned that they need to prepare and develop strategies to make the business more mature and competitive. Doing this means creating a bond with the customer and offering them what they are looking for.

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